Москва, Космодамианская набережная, 52с1
Удаленная работа, Более 6 лет, Полная занятость, Стандарт

Ключевые навыки

Project management
Human Resources Development
Human Resources Management
Кадровый менеджмент
Кадровая политика
Подбор персонала
Обучение и развитие
Оценка персонала
Управление командой
Антикризисное управление

LATOKEN’s mission is to put financial life at fingertips. So everybody can use money to bring ideas to life to build the future and be a stakeholder of it. Internet startups conquered the commanding heights after 20 years since the dot-com bubble. Blockchain is the internet of value - the next wave which outperforms any technology and industry in history. This technology is a game-changer for a vast market of blood and brain of humankind: payments and trading. The blockchain works worldwide: no need for central banks, layers of private banks, or custodians.
LATOKEN is a top blockchain bet on the financial system upgrade.
Our mission is to put
Money and assets at fingertips worldwide:

  • Open account and deposit fiat in a few seconds
  • Manage money: Pay, Receive or Transfer
  • Manage assets: Crypto, Startups, Pre - IPO, Equity

Unit: Talent Growth
Unit Mission: The Team of visionaries out-performers setting the new world standards and getting financial life to fingertips
Role: HRD

Functions (vary for HRD/P):

  • Define who and why. HRBPs milk from Hiring Managers which problems solved and companies must be on a candidate's belt. HRBPs have the perfect role definition and the ideal CV example.
  • Laser-focus. HRBPs have a list of top 1000 belt relevant world candidates.
  • Hot-up. Top prospects should live in tier 1 media relevant context.
  • Sell the Rocket, so prospects are ready to fight like for a last seat on the last rocket ship. The role magnifies the candidate's lifetime mission as your offer is hot and laser-focused.
  • Culture fit. HRBPs are fast to spot principals, leveraging brutal feedback to hit vision-driven targets.
  • Interview score: Champion, Agility, Robust, Professional, Belt, Culture hits by HRBPs and Hiring Managers
  • Offer a slight discount to market average salary and a 10-1000x of 5 years salary in generous stock option to filter principals out of agents.
  • Onboard - grandma clear and rocket tough unit manuals, tests, and trial critical hit tasks.
  • Immediate value from a newcomer or trial is not passed.
  • Feedback loops on daily calls, weekly 360, and 1-1s optimize team judgment to hit targets for clients
  • Transparent daily HRBPs performance with CRM funnel conversions, onboarding, and feedback scores.
  • Automate most of the above with CRMs, zaps, other no-code or MySQL/Python/AI tools.
  • Set Culture immediately penalize agency - excuse seeking, covering, free riding, ego, blurring tasks or performance. Reward generously principals for putting clients first and challenge for creative overachievements generously. Be a great example of a principal.

Requirements - have at least 5 out of 6:

  • Champion results in the character and CV - must.
  • Agile startup experience.
  • Robust reasoning to structure counterintuitive entropy.
  • Professional belt: 3+ years in fintech hiring of developers, product or digital marketing leads.
  • Sales charisma coupled with never forget storytelling.
  • Culture fit: challenge teammates to be the best in the profession.


  • Build the future. Level up the financial system. Put it at fingertips, so everybody can use the money to build and be a stakeholder of the future.
  • 2x mobile users growth each month, 4.7 ratings.
  • Largest primary market with 160 IEOs since 2017.
  • The team is our main product, we build a culture capable to shift frontiers. A great workplace is stunning colleagues. Adequate performers should work elsewhere. The only top talent here.
  • Be stakeholder. You build a product helping people's success. People pay for it and you get a stake of these future payments as a LATOKEN shareholder. We have the highest in fintech team shares pool.
  • We overpay. If you are with us, as a shareholder, you should earn 10-100x comparing to any other top career alternative. And the team expects your performance to match the reward.
    You would receive $ 140 000 - 220 000 in stock option value. You can earn a lot if you put clients first, want, and capable to make the world better with the new technology.

Feel a great fit - apply now or forward to a great candidate.

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